Hasbro Cat

Global toy manufacturer Hasbro is aiming to bringing joy and companionship to older adults who miss having a pet but are no longer able to care for one with the release of their new Companion Pets. The animatronic cats have soft fur, soothing purrs and through an exclusive technology, create a purring experience that users can actually feel.

The company says that the Companion Pet Cat is not a replacement for a real pet but positions it as a life-like alternative that is able to provide the joy of owning a real pet without the often cumbersome responsibilities.


The devices respond to petting, hugging and motion through built-in sensors and respond with authentic cat sound effects. The company claims the Companion Pets can also help enhance the interaction between caregivers and their loved ones, by incorporating light-hearted fun and laughter into time spent together.

The cats are available in three different fur colours: silver, creamy white and orange tabby.

To find out more visit www.JoyForAll.com

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