'I Can' Therapy Centre image

Andover exercise centre ‘I Can’ Therapy Centre has been given £2,800 by lift specialist Stannah to purchase an assistive, fully adjustable REAL 9100 chair from Medicotech.

The REAL 9100 chair is set to help users with standing or transfer difficulties access the Centre’s cycle machine in a bid to make all of its equipment accessible and inclusive.

Combining the clinical expertise of a therapy led service with a community-based rehabilitation facility, the ‘I Can’ Therapy Centre looks to benefit people with health conditions or restricted mobility by making them feel better.

It offers a range of exercise equipment to users and tries to remove any exercise barriers by including all ranges and abilities.

According to Stannah, everyone at the Centre is delighted with the new REAL 9100 chair.

Physiotherapist Jan Howard explained more about the Centre’s service: “Our ‘I Can’ Therapy Centre is a friendly professionally led exercise centre with a very valuable social aspect too.

“Our clients have a range of physical challenges but ‘I Can’ therapy is all about building on exercise you can do and gradually doing a little bit more.

“It’s inspiring just seeing the difference that regular use of our equipment and physiotherapy support makes to our ‘I Can’ users, not just to their physical fitness but also to their overall well-being.

“Many people coming to us are recovering from strokes or injuries, or may have life-long conditions that can be improved.

“We professionally assess people on their first visit and then they return to use the equipment, with our guidance, to slowly build strength.”

Liz Murray, Community Health Development Manager at ‘I Can’ Therapy Centre explained that the cycle machine helps improve balance, muscle strength and coordination and is an integral piece of equipment for the Centre.

To conclude, Stannah Group Managing Director Jon Stannah commented: “Our local sponsorship fund supports the community in which our employees live.

“Andover’s ‘I Can’ Therapy Centre is a very valuable addition to that community and we were delighted to be able to help.

“As our own stairlift and lift products also enhance mobility we fully appreciate what a difference the right equipment can make.”

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