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Wheelchair users from across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough moving from children’s to adult services are being encouraged to share their experiences to help improve wheelchair services (WCS) for the future.

Hosted by Healthwatch Cambridgeshire, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Wheelchair Users’ Forum wants to see better support for young wheelchair users as they move into adult-age services in the region.

The WCS in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is currently delivered by AJM Healthcare.

Holding its first virtual meeting last month, the forum discussed priorities for the coming year, with smoothing the transition process for young wheelchair users being named as a key priority.

Although children’s services are generally better coordinated, according to Healthwatch Cambridgeshire, the move to adult services can be difficult to navigate, especially for people with learning disabilities or complex needs. This is down to the move into adult-age services starting at different times for different services, making the transition confusing for young wheelchair users.

Alongside the WCS, users also use services such as education, benefits, Access to Work and social care.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which funds the wheelchair service, is working on transition as part of the NHS Long Term Plan to help make the process is easier for young users of the WCS.

“The Wheelchair User Forum is pleased to be able to offer its help and support to the CCG on this issue,” said Graham Lewis, Healthwatch Partnership Development Manager, who supports the work of the forum.

To help improve the experiences of young wheelchair users in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, the forum is encouraging people to share their experiences about transition from children’s to adult’s WCS. The forum is also requesting feedback about how transition could be improved to become more person-centred and age-appropriate.

Carers, families and young wheelchair users are encouraged to get in touch with  Graham Lewis at Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough via: graham.lewis@healthwatchcambspboro.co.uk, 0330 355 1285 or 07432 865 996

Alternatively, people can share their views on the Healthwatch Peterborough website: https://www.healthwatchpeterborough.co.uk/share-your-views

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