AAT C-Max stairclimber imageRobert Mcleod sourced an AAT stairclimber to answer the problem of how stop his sister Irene – who lives on the top level of a Glasgow tenement block – becoming a “prisoner in her own home” following major surgery.

Irene broke her neck 12 years ago, which led to bones pressing on nerves lower in her body. This prompted the need for rectifying operations, most recently one that involved the insertion of 27 pins in her ankle and leg.

It meant that for six months, Irene would be unable to weight bear and unable to negotiate the 42 steps on the common parts between her flat and the ground level. Those common parts meant a conventional answer was proving difficult for social services.

Robert was worried about her mental health if she was confined to her home for the duration. When the ambulance team used an AAT C-Max stairclimber to get her home after surgery, he had a eureka moment.

He explained: “I thought that just might be the answer! We could use it as and when we needed without affecting the neighbours. It has been an absolute godsend!”

The C-Max is part of a range of battery-powered kinematic stairclimbers available exclusively in the UK through AAT GB, which enable safe staircase transfer.

Each stairclimber can execute 300 steps from a single battery charge. The unit can be adjusted to the comfort of each operator in height and speed of movement. A range of safety belts ensures optimum security for the passenger.

When not in use, the assistive device folds compactly away. Fully portable, it does not obstruct stairways for other users. As no installation is required, there is no delay while it is fixed, nor making good when removed.

When no longer needed by the original recipient, the stairclimber can be taken into stores and re-issued within days to another person in need.

The C-Max can eliminate the need for Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) funding. It can safeguard and mobilise clients within a matter of days, whether for the short- or long-term, and manage the risk of their accessing all areas of their home and the community.

AAT says the C-Max addresses efficient evacuation with changes to the Building Safety Act 2023. According to the firm, its stairclimbers deliver compliance with the Equality Act Section 36.

AAT fully trains the operator to LOLER requirements as part of the package.

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