Innovative smart toilet set to be both aspirational and functional for clients
Closomat’s accessible Asana shower toilet combines innovation and “engineering excellence” to bring to the market what the company describes as the most aspirational in smart toilets for clients.
The Asana wall-hung toilet looks like, and can be used as, a conventional toilet. It offers integrated douche and drying technology, which leaves the client hygienically and consistently washed and dried, without the need to manually clean with toilet paper.
Mark Sadler, Sales Director at Closomat, commented: “The whole ethos behind Asana was to develop a toilet that was aspirational, as well as functional in terms of enabling people to be independent, at least with their toilet needs.
“Just because someone may need help to use the WC (now or in the future) does not mean they have to ‘make do’ with a product that looks institutional, and/or is of inferior quality.
“The Closomat Asana is desirable from bottom up: it is stylish, delivers the best wash and dry performance available, and is built to last a lifetime, compliant with all current requirements.
“We use the toilet on average eight times a day- probably more than any other fixture in the home. It therefore needs to cope with that degree of usage, year in year out.”
The Closomat Asana incorporates a range of wash options, including rotating, pulsing, temperature variation, that the company says deliver the best cleaning performance available in shower toilets. Closomat further maintains its drying performance is the most effective on the market.
Asana further offers design features that deliver comfort and performance for the user. Features include a 90-degree angle between the hidden cistern and pan to ensure the user is sat correctly and safely; a 90-degree spray angle so the douche cleans as effectively and efficiently as possible; and an elongated seat opening to address gender considerations.
Closomat is a supplier of enabling toileting technology, which aims to help people of all ages and abilities achieve dignified and effective cleanliness after toileting.
The company offers a complete project management service, from design/specification through installation, commissioning and future service and maintenance.