Mo Farah Sent Super Loud Doorbell with Flashing Light
“It’s a bit tongue in cheek really, but we truly believe this product will benefit Mr Farah if he genuinely can’t hear the doorbell.”
Olympic star and British athlete Mo Farah has been sent a very loud doorbell after he made a video to prove he couldn’t hear when officials rang his door bell following a second missed drug test.
Specialist hearing company decided that Mo was the perfect candidate for the amplicomms RF 200, a doorbell with an amplified ringer that is as loud as an approaching train. At 95 decibels, Mo would be sure to hear the doorbell or failing that, see the doorbell’s flashing lights.
At £39.99, the amplicomms Ringflash 200 has been designed for people with hearing loss and can be paired with a pillow vibrator too; so even in his deepest sleep, Mr Farah is sure to be woken by someone at the door.’s Managing Director Gary Hill says, “It’s a bit tongue in cheek really, but we truly believe this product will benefit Mr Farah if he genuinely can’t hear the doorbell. This product is one of our bestsellers for people with hearing loss as it works with telephones too.”
To find out more about the amplicomms RF200, visit the website HERE or call 0800 032 1301