Constant Therapy Clinician app image

Digital health specialist The Learning Corp has launched Constant Therapy Clinician, an easy-to-use app for clinicians to help them create customised workout programs and track their patients’ progress.

Constant Therapy Clinician is an evidence-based speech, language and cognitive therapy app created by a team of neuroscientists and clinicians from Boston University. It enables clinicians to create tailor-made therapy programs for their individual clients.

Delivering interactive therapy, clinicians can plan and implement therapy, collect performance data and document patient progress. This is aided by access to a comprehensive library of scientifically-proven speech, language, and cognitive therapy exercises.

Constant Therapy Clinician allows clinicians to extend their therapy beyond the clinic as clients can work on their own tailor-made workout programs in between clinic sessions and after discharge.

The app is available for download now.

To find out more, visit The Learning Corp website:

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