UniqusIncon72ResNoBgExperienced in healthcare software and mobile workforce technology, Assistive Partner has now launched their specialist solution for the delivery of continence services with UNIQUS Incon.

The company specialises in software for healthcare and has worked closely with a Midlands NHS Trust to allow them to have a secure, confidential database of patients linked to warehouse and delivery systems that is totally independent from their soft goods supplier.

The Trust are prepared to testify that the results have saved a great deal of costs, made them more efficient and allowed them to re-tender for a goods supplier in a manner which again produced significant savings and zero risk regarding future database transfers.

If your service includes regular home deliveries to users of continence soft goods then contact Assistive Partner for more information or request a free online demo on  0844 335 6791 or e-mail info@assistivepartner.co.uk

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