Over 100 prescribers learned about new TEC service at disability event
One of the UK’s major outsourced assistive technology service providers to the NHS and local authorities, NRS Healthcare, recently showcased its new technology-enabled care (TEC) service to over 100 prescribers at RISE Expo 2022.
The event showcased a wide range of assistive technologies for disabled people, carers, and health and social care professionals to view. It also consisted of a comprehensive conference calendar for professionals to attend.
NRS Healthcare sponsored RISE Expo 2022, which took place at the Kent Event Centre on 22 June.
NRS Healthcare’s clinical and TEC teams were available throughout the show to meet prescribers taking part in the recently launched ‘Make a difference every day’ (test and build) project running in the East Kent area covering Thanet, Dover, Folkestone and Hythe.
Laurence Habgood-Coote, TEC Occupational Therapist, and Aaron Marshall, TECS Development and Solutions Manager, staffed NRS Healthcare’ technology-packed demonstration vehicle and were available for all TEC-related queries at the event.
More than 100 prescribers visited the demonstration vehicle to find out more about the new service, which is designed to improve and tailor the long-term technology offer in Kent to contribute to people living a full life in their own home.
The service was launched at a successful kick-off event at the Digital Innovation Centre in Kent on 11 May 2022, allowing the TEC service prescriber volunteers to meet with a range of technology providers and understand what they can offer to their clients.
To help introduce the service to the volunteer prescribers, NRS Healthcare has produced a range of materials, including a dedicated web page. The provider says it will keep these materials up to date with regular communications about the project.
James Lampert, Head of Technology Enabled Care at NRS Healthcare, said: “NRS Healthcare and our partners in the Making a difference everyday TEC Partnership are delighted to be working with everyone at Kent County Council.
“I’d like to thank all the prescribers and TEC facilitators for their engagement with the project. Together, I’m sure that we can make a real difference to people’s lives through the creative and personalised use of technologies that give better outcomes.”
Also, attending the RISE event were some of NRS Healthcare’s Kent clinical team: Alison O’Hara, Clinical Regional Manager for the south, and Denise Barrett, a highly experienced occupational therapy assistant in Kent.
The clinical team showcased what the outsourced provider offers in Kent, including its recently retained training service contract, community equipment services, and Safe+Well service.
The firm’s training service contract is run by the whole clinical team in Kent and will shortly be absorbed into its newly created clinical academy. Training is delivered online or face-to-face about a range of topics, including: equipment training for core items, training supported by suppliers about their specific products, two-day Trusted Assessor training, one-day refresher courses, and equipment familiarisation for Kent enablement at home teams.
For 2022, NRS Healthcare has also been requested to supply training for mental health staff, introducing them to basic equipment and showing how to use it.
Neil Thacker, Southern Area Manager, commented: “We are delighted that the continued efforts and innovative approach of all our colleagues have been recognised with the award of a new training contract and the Kent technology enabled care Make a difference everyday project.
“It’s exciting to work developing service with a trusted partner such as Kent County Council and we will continue to evolve our services to ensure they meet the needs of our service users, prescribers and commissioners in Kent.”
Earlier this year, prescribers gained invaluable insights into NRS Healthcare’s equipment collection and cleaning processes. The provider hosted an open day at three of its depots throughout England for health and social care professionals to see for themselves how assistive technology services operate, including a look at the depots’ stock rooms.