Versatile and inclusive travel-friendly patient transfer sling launched
Silvalea has unveiled a new travel and accessibility patient transfer sling called the Silva Travel-Lite, offering both a manual and hoistable sling solution for users.…
Assistive Tech Showcase: Hoists, slings and lifts
The latest exciting products to enter the market in hoists, slings and lifts. (From Feb, 2018) Innovation delivers pressure relieving sling In conjunction with Silvalea,…
The demise of Loop Fixings on Patient Slings?
"A solution to minimise this safety issue had to be found." Following what Silvalea describes as overwhelming success at the 2016 OT Show, the company…
Significant new sling launch promised by Silvalea
Silvalea is planning the reveal of a ‘top secret’ new sling innovation which the company believes will change the patient sling industry. The new product…
Lifetime achievement award for sling company leader
"I was thrilled to be presented with this Lifetime Achievement Award and honoured to be amongst such strong and inspirational business women" Pauline Guilfoyle -…
Luxury Silva Comfi Replacement Sling Range from Silvalea
"A cut above and quite simply an exclusive combination of quality, style and support”… is how Silvalea UK designer and manufacturer of Moving & Handling…