Views sought on revised Scottish guidance on providing community equipment and adaptations
The Scottish Government has launched a public consultation and is looking for views on revised guidance on the provision of community equipment and housing adaptations, which will replace the current guidance, published in 2009.
Community equipment can include assistive technologies like community beds, moving and handling equipment, bathlifts, mobility aids, technology-enabled care (TEC) devices, short-term wheelchair loans, environmental controls, communication aids, and much more.
Home adaptations are designed to make homes more accessible to give disabled people greater independence, dignity, confidence, safety and privacy in and around their homes. They can range from minor adaptations, such as installing grabrails, to major adaptations, such as installing a homelift, depending on the user’s needs.
The provision of community equipment and home adaptations can reduce risk and injury, help with people’s confidence and mental well-being, and may prevent unnecessary admission to hospital.
According to the Scottish Government, the timely provision of community equipment is also a cost-effective solution that can contribute “significantly” to the streamlining of service responses and pathways. It can allow people to do more for themselves and avoid the need for additional, more expensive, support from other services.
The government’s proposed community equipment and adaptation guidance covers the responsibilities of NHS Scotland and local authorities. It aims to enable professionals, service users, and carers, to review and understand local health and social care partnerships responsibilities, and to continue to support the aim of a more consistent approach, to the provision of community equipment and housing adaptations across all areas of Scotland.
The draft guidance can be read here.
Now, the Scottish Government is looking for a wide range of views on the proposed revised guidance for community equipment and adaptation provision in Scotland. This includes views from health and social care professionals, people in the housing sectors, patients and carers.
The open consultation asks for views on a variety of different aspects of the guidance, including postural management, if the guidance is clear about how community equipment prevents hospital admissions, integrated service pathways, and more.
The consultation closes on 6 June 2022. Views can be submitted here.