A perfect combination – Zippie RS & Salsa Triton
The JCM Triton modular seating system is now available configured with our most popular paediatric wheelchairs – the Zippie Salsa M and the Zippie RS. Combining a market-leading wheelchair with a fully modular seating system tailored for those with complex seating and postural needs.
They also receive excellent adjustability, precision positioning and numerous options to cater for clinical requirements, changing needs and growth. Excellent modularity means each component of the seating system can be interchanged for precise requirements, changes in posture, growth or re-issue.
The Zippie RS and Salsa also feature the unique Superior DynamixTMback which can be easily adjusted and set to the range, resistance and correct rebound of the user.
Find out more here: www.SunriseMedical.co.uk/RSTriton / www.SunriseMedical.co.uk/SalsaTriton