The Royal Star & Garter Home Hughenden Stream clean image

Staff at The Royal Star & Garter Home in High Wycombe have helped clean up a stretch of the Hughenden Stream, which is based in High Wycombe, as part of a community project.

They donned wellies to pick out bottles, crisp packets, cigarette ends and other rubbish from the part of the stream running behind the new care home, which will welcome its first residents this month.

The clean-up was part of the Chiltern Rangers and Thames Water River Wye Restoration Project, designed to return the several parts of the waterway to a condition which can be enjoyed by people and wildlife.

The Royal Star & Garter Home Hughenden Stream clean image

The Charity, which cares for ex-Servicemen and women and their partners living with disability or dementia, looks after the stretch of stream running adjacent to the Home.

Also taking part in the community clean-up were Chiltern Rangers volunteers, Hughenden Garden Village residents and Bucks New University. Together, 45 people filled up a skip full of rubbish. The Spindle & Thread pub provided free refreshments for all those taking part.

The Royal Star & Garter Home Manager Chelle Daly said: “It was great to work with Chiltern Rangers and our neighbours to tidy up this beautiful stretch of water, for our residents and the whole community to enjoy.”

The Royal Star & Garter Home Hughenden Stream clean image

Chiltern Rangers’ mission is to enhance local habitats through conservation, education and community engagement.

Paul Stack, Education and Community Engagement Manager at Chiltern Rangers, commented: “It was a hugely successful community event. It was great to see everybody joining in and working together. This is only the start, we have more to do!”

Staff at The Royal Star & Garter Homes also worked with Chiltern Rangers and 60 school pupils to clean up a part of Hughenden Stream in 2016.

Founded in 1916, The Royal Star & Garter Homes is a charity that provides award-winning care for military veterans and their partners who live with disability or dementia.

Recently, the Royal Star & Garter Homes opened a new £25 million care home in High Wycombe, naming its floors after local military heroes.

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