Accessible wash & dry toilet looks to revolutionise single-handed care for both carers and clients
Bringing a fresh new approach to single-handed care, Closomat’s Asana wash & dry toilet removes the need for a carer while an individual uses the toilet, helping to restore dignity and independence.
Traditionally, the practice of single-handed care focuses on the employment of aids to enable one carer, instead of two, to assist the care recipient notes Closomat. However, Closomat’s approach takes single-handed care a stage further, potentially eliminating the need for any care support while using a toilet.
Closomat’s Asana wash & dry toilet combines a wall-hung, contemporary-style toilet with integrated douching and drying, removing the need for care assistance to clean after an individual has used the toilet.
A choice of mechanisms also enables the user to operate the technology by waving their hand or touching a button.
In a ‘year of care’ cost analysis by the Money Advice Service in 2018, provision of a Closomat Asana was 50 percent (or above) better than the cost of providing care support.
Furthermore, the Asana is a one-time purchase, compared to the ongoing cost of care provision, which over time proves to be more cost-efficient for individuals.
“The perception is that single handed care applies to moving and handling, the use of equipment to deliver a more efficient service, better use of available resources, in that only one carer may be needed in place of two,” said Robin Tuffley, Closomat Marketing Manager. “But what about taking the interpretation to another level: enabling the client to undertake certain ADLs [activities of daily living] single-handedly i.e. on their own, without any care support? That, where appropriate, delivers even better use of available resources, especially if there is no additional financial cost…”
Closomat manufactures a range of wash & dry toilets, including floor mounted, wall-hung and automatically height adjustable options.