
The NEW Quickie Attitude is the first mass–market add-on hand bike series to open up so many possibilities…

Quickie_Attitude_T1Attitude Manual

The Attitude Manual improves strength, stamina and cardio through recreational cycling – lightweight and easily manoeuvrable, the Attitude Manual is the perfect complement to an active wheelchair.

Attitude Hybrid

The Attitude Hybrid combines all the health benefits of manual cycling with the reliability of powered propulsion and helping to reduce fatigue. The powered motor can be engaged for tricky hill-climbs or simply to provide that extra bit of speed.

Attitude Power

The Attitude Power provides 100% propulsion for off-road terrain or to cruise the streets in speed for pure enjoyment. The Attitude’s ingenious 4-point docking system locks into place in seconds to deliver the most secure, stiffest and rigid ride to date. It un-docks in seconds so users can roll away with just two lightweight pins attached to their chair, ensuring the very best in lightweight performance.


As you would expect from Quickie, high-performance is teamed with a sleek design. The Quickie Attitude is available in over 30 colours to match an existing wheelchair or create a look that’s truly individual.

To find out more information on the Quickie Attitude, visit the website HERE

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