EXCLUSIVE: The case for adaptive cycling – Why it should be considered essential medical equipment
Kieran Murphy, Clinical Partnerships Manager for Jenx and Jiraffe, explores some of the advantages of adaptive cycling for children with disabilities and explains why it…
Free CPD opportunities about paediatric seating, bathing posture, AAC development and more
Healthcare professionals will have the chance to access nine free CPD-accredited seminars at the upcoming Kidz to Adultz Scotland across a wide range of assistive…
World-renowned postural positioning expert delivers CPD sessions and demonstrations
Recently, Sheffield-based postural support specialist Jenx, and its UK distribution division, Jiraffe, welcomed Rifton Physiotherapist and Product and Training Specialist Lori Potts to its facilities.…
EXCLUSIVE: The role of therapeutic equipment in supporting disabled young people to be more physically active
Kieran Murphy, Clinical Partnerships Manager at Jiraffe In a proactive move, the UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) have recently issued new guidelines to support disabled…
‘Life-changing’ versatile standing system set to help children aged 5-14
Postural support specialist Jiraffe has announced a new product that will help change the lives of children across the UK and around the world. Jiraffe…
Guest article: How Jiraffe adapted specialist services for children’s postural management during lockdown
Jenx Sales Manager Paul Everett ensuring a child is positioned correctly and safely in the Junior+ seating system at a home visit during the first…
CASE STUDY: Three-in-one standing frame helps youngster with cerebral palsy in lockdowns
Ashton ‘AJ’ McPhee Ashton ‘AJ’ McPhee, who was born with quadriplegic cerebral palsy, and his mum Kerry have shared their story of keeping spirits high…
CASE STUDY: Seven-year-old girl overcomes disability to finish virtual charity run
A seven-year-old girl with cerebral palsy has raised £600 for charity by completing a virtual run using equipment provided by postural support specialist Jiraffe. Wren…
CASE STUDY: 20-year-old with complex disabilities set to take on a Parkrun thanks to Jiraffe
A Derbyshire youngster with complex disabilities has her sights set on taking part in a Parkrun event after bespoke equipment provided by Sheffield-based postural support…
CASE STUDY: How a 3-in-1 standing frame has helped ‘inspirational’ young boy with CP during lockdown
Seven-year-old Ashton ‘AJ’ McPhee, who was born 23 weeks premature, lives with quadriplegic cerebral palsy and global development delay. For World Cerebral Palsy Day (6…