Keep Britain Working review to explore how to support people with long-term illnesses or disabilities back into work
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched a new ‘Keep Britain Working’ review to explore how to urgently support people with long-term illnesses or…
Wales winter challenge assists the 25 percent of people with the longest hospital discharge delays
The 50-day winter challenge in Wales was launched to ensure the NHS and local councils worked together to share and learn from best practice to…
Community response service awarded at the Swansea Bay Business Awards 2025
Llesiant Delta Wellbeing has won the Not-for-Profit Business of the Year and achieved a highly commended in the category for Innovative Business of the Year…
Council approved 30 DFGs for 42 home adaptationss between October and December 2024
Hastings Borough Council has reported that its Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) scheme continues to help support residents who need home adaptations. Between October and December…
People who use community equipment Loan services in Wirral invited to share their experiences
Community equipment provider Medequip has partnered with Healthwatch Wirral to design and deliver a project to gather valuable user feedback on the community equipment loan…
Clinicians to learn more about pressure ulcer treatment and fire risks in free webinar
Home Caregiver helping a senior woman get dressed in her bedroom. The Society of Tissue Viability will host a webinar, presented by BES Healthcare, in…
Homecare provider reports 50 percent time savings in overall operations using smart care tech
Homecare technology provider Birdie has released its annual Year in Review report, which concludes that 2024 was a pivotal year for the provider with a record-breaking…
Scottish Government Bill to improve information-sharing across health settings
The Scottish Government has announced a dedicated advisory board, support for unpaid carers, and enshrining care home residents' rights to see loved ones are at…
More than half of young disabled people feel unsafe using public transport in the UK
The Motability Foundation has shared its research into the experiences and barriers that young disabled people face when travelling by public transport so that the…
Council launches consultation on proposals to introduce charges for telecare services
Shropshire Council is inviting residents who access the council’s telecare service to take part in a public consultation on proposals to introduce a subsidised charge…