An upcoming webinar hosted by Housing LIN in collaboration with the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services in the East of England (ADASS East) will specifically highlight two recent guides designed to assist people working within or alongside NHS staff in navigating housing services, systems, and professional networks effectively.

The webinar, titled ‘Housing and Health Partnerships: Top Tips for NHS Front Line Staff and Commissioners’, will take place on 11 June 2024 from 4pm to 5pm. Those who wish to attend can book a free place or find out more about the session on the Housing LIN website.

With integrated care systems and boards in place, the two recent guides aim to provide clear signposting for some of the more common situations and circumstances encountered, including problems with housing, homelessness, and responsibility for adaptations. ‘Housing top tips: a route map to who does what in housing’ comes in two versions: one for NHS frontline staff and one for NHS Commissioners.

The webinar will hear from leading commissioners and providers in the region on how they have been used to cross the housing and health divide. They will cover context for the top tips guides, development of the top tips, putting the top tips into action, a questions and panel debate, and more.

The webinar will hear from leading commissioners and providers in the region on how they have been used to cross the housing and health divide, including:

  • Claire Astbury, Head of Housing Strategy & Development, Luton Borough Council
  • Trish Reed, Talent Bank Associate through Partnership Solutions, East of England Local Government Association
  • Helen Ricketts, Senior Housing Manager, Learning Disabilities and Autism Programme, NHS East of England

The Housing and Ageing Alliance recently stated that a national strategy is needed urgently to address the housing needs of the UK’s ageing population.

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