Debbie Rehasense UK image
Debbie using the Icon 60 manual wheelchair and PAWS Tourer from Rehasense UK

Debbie Clarke from Leasingham, Lincolnshire has taken delivery of her third piece of equipment from Rehasense UK: the Eco Assist lightweight power add-on.

In addition to her Eco Assist, Debbie is also the proud owner of an Icon 60 manual wheelchair and a Power Assisted Wheelchair System (PAWS) Tourer.

As a wheelchair user for over 12 years following a back injury and three spinal fusions, Debbie has had several wheelchairs. In 2023 the time had come to find a replacement.

“I went to see Richard at Aspire 2 Mobility who are based locally to us in Waddington and explained that I was looking for a manual wheelchair and a power add-on as I was determined to become more independent,” explained Debbie.

As soon as Debbie sat in the Icon 60, she immediately felt the difference.

“I have never known a wheelchair to be so comfortable and the combination of the lightweight design and ease with which it can be manoeuvred is amazing,” continued Debbie. “I was also impressed with easily it could be adjusted meet my requirements.”

Debbie had explained to Richard that one of her goals was to start joining her husband and grandchildren for off-road bike rides and country walks. Richard felt that the PAWS Tourer would be perfect to help her achieve this and arranged for Ian Harvey from Rehasense to meet with Debbie so she could try one out for herself.

“The minute I connected my Icon 60 to the PAWS Tourer I knew I had found my dream equipment combination which would enable me to fulfil my promise to my husband and grandchildren to become more independent,” Debbie enthused. “I love my new wheelchair and PAWS Tourer power add-on, they look great and work together brilliantly.”

When Debbie realised what a difference the PAWS and Icon 60 were going to make, she asked Richard if there was a smaller power add-on that could be easily loaded into the car boot and small enough to take into more confined places such as her local village shop. She was delighted when he explained that Rehasense had recently launched the Eco Assist lightweight power add-on.

Debbie concluded: “The Eco Assist is the icing on the cake, and I still cannot believe that one company can produce three such amazing products that all work together so effortlessly.

“Whilst the PAWS Tourer is great for adventurous days out and about and going off road, I love the fact we can put my Eco Assist in the boot of the car and go out for the day knowing I can easily get around places such as shopping centres or National Trust properties without needing anyone to push my wheelchair.

“Aspire 2 Mobility and Rehasense have changed my life. Whether it is popping to the local shops or going out for the day with my Icon 60 and Eco Assist or joining my husband and grandchildren for a bike ride or country walk with my Icon 60 and PAWS Tourer nothing gets in my way.

“All the Rehasense equipment is extremely well built and the customer service I have received from Richard at Aspire 2 Mobility and Ian Harvey at Rehasense has been superb – I would not hesitate in recommending them to anyone.”

The Eco Assist power add-on consists of a high-strength aluminium chassis, a 350-watt motor, and 48-volt battery to offer a cost-effective solution for wheelchair users looking for an entry level power add-on to increase their independence.

Weighing 15.5kg with the battery and 9.4kg without, the Eco Assist is easy to transport and manually clamps onto the frame of the wheelchair. It disconnects with ease in one simple movement, and all surfaces on the Eco Assist are powder coated and anodised.

Available in a stylish black finish, the Eco Assist has a maximum speed of 9.3mph and can be charged from empty to full in five hours. The twist throttle control, central LED display on/off button, and three speed modes are all housed within the handlebars. Standard features include cruise control, anti-slip traction control, LED headlight, and horn.

The ICON 60 is an adjustable wheelchair and features a lightweight rigid 7000 Series aluminium alloy frame and carbon fibre side panels (boxed configuration not prescriptive model). The frame length and seat angle are adjustable.

For maximum comfort, the backrest can be adjusted forward by up to 20˚ or backwards by up to 10˚, while the seat height can also be easily adjusted which changes the centre of gravity to make the chair a more ‘active’ model.

With a maximum user capacity of 120kg and a choice of side guards; colour finishes; and several wheel, tyre, and push rim options available, the ICON 60 can be tailored to meet the requirements of the individual.

The Tourer is the top-of-the-range model in the Rehasense PAWS range and can take wheelchair users like Debbie across terrain that would normally be inaccessible to her.

With a 20” wheel, 4” fat tyres, and longer wheelbase for increased clearance and manoeuvrability, the Tourer is equally at home on tarmac or in a true off-road environment where it can easily overcome sand, gravel, and obstacles such as tree roots and very uneven ground. It is available with a manual or automatic clamp and lift system and Tetra controls for users with reduced upper body strength.

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