Individuals working in Scotland’s flourishing housing and property sector have the opportunity to access qualifications and training courses through membership with a provider of learning and development solutions for the housing and property sector, Share.

Share hopes that workers will utilise the membership shake-up as it says the housing and property market faces a host of major challenges.

Daryl McIntosh, Chief Executive with Share, said: “For a membership organisation, what we are doing is radical – and it is brilliant news for everyone who works in the sector and who cares about their own professional and personal development.

“Until now, those who wanted to unlock significant career opportunities were dependent on someone else – usually their employers – to give them the nod to undertake training, networking or accreditation.

“We are transforming this, by opening up membership to individuals for the first time in decades.  Previously only organisations could be members of Share, so the move to individual membership is a complete game changer.”

Scotland’s housing and property sector has never been more in the public spotlight, according to Share, with social landlords and councils struggling to meet demand, the private rental sector under greater scrutiny than ever, and housebuilders constantly testing the limits of the planning system.

A recent poll found that 79 percent of those in Scotland think there is not currently enough housing that is affordable.

Daryl said every section of the industry is also feeling the effects of the financial squeeze and added: “There has never been greater pressure on the housing sector and that means ever-increasing demands on the workforce. All of which means that training and professional development is more vital than ever.”

Share works across Scotland and delivered more than 350 training courses last year, providing accreditations on partners including CIH, City & Guilds, SQA, ILM, The Institute of Leadership and IRPM.

Until now Share’s membership was only available to organisations. Now the shake-up means that individuals can join.

Membership gives users access to qualifications at discounted rates, a customised e-learning platform, and comprehensive support resources.

Daryl continued: “For the first time those working in housing can now take their development into their own hands. It is incredibly empowering for those who value professional and personal development.

“However, it is also potentially brilliant news for the entire sector. These are challenging times in housing and that is when you most need a well-equipped and motivated workforce. Those with the most up-to-date knowledge and expertise can tackle any challenges the industry can throw at them.”

Against the backdrop of challenges right across the housing and property sectors, membership gives access to discounted courses, qualifications, and events. It also provides access to Share’s dedicated e-learning platform, which contains hundreds of courses that count towards an individual’s continuing professional development (CPD).

Share states that all of the qualifications and training programmes are at the cutting edge of housing training aimed at enhancing skills, governance, and individual development.

Age UK has published a report that highlights the “shocking” delays many older and disabled people face waiting for councils to install home aids and adaptations, making it more difficult for them to live independently at home.

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