Hertfordshire County Council assistive technology image

As more and more councils leverage the benefits of assistive technology during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hertfordshire County Council has launched an online assistive technology guide to showcase a range of independent living solutions.

The guide is intended to inform elderly and disabled people, their families, and their carers about some of the assistive devices available that can be used around or outside the home.

These assistive technology examples help people to remain safe and independent at home, such as medication reminders, fall detectors and personal alarms.

Some items are designed to stand alone. Others can link directly to a carer or family member, or are connected to a team of trained advisors in a monitoring centre, who will ensure appropriate support is provided, giving peace of mind to residents and their family and carers.

With an easy-to-read format, the guide allows people to view the different types of assistive technology available on a room-by-room basis or for outside of the home.

For instance, under the ‘kitchen’ category, the council provides information on medication dispensers, smart plugs, carbon monoxide detectors, fire safety stove guards and smoke alarms for hearing loss.

When you click on a particular device, the guide tells you more about the product and provides other helpful resources surrounding the technology.

Hertfordshire County Council’s guide also signposts individuals to reliable sources to learn more about assistive technology, how technology can meet individual requirements and where it can be obtained.

Throughout the coronavirus crisis, councils in the UK have harnessed the power of assistive technology by working with various providers to help vulnerable residents stay safe and connected.

Working in conjunction with HAS Technology, Cardiff Council rolled out an innovative telecare service by providing residents with wearable solutions that help to identify health risks early on.

Additionally, Kent County Council commissioned assistive technology provider Alcove to roll out digital support packages to around 2,000 elderly and disabled residents. This initiative saw residents equipped with a videophone system, which enables them to receive virtual care and health consultations, as well as video contact with friends and family while minimising the coronavirus infection risk to other residents and care staff.

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