EXCLUSIVE: The accessibility paradox – How segregating ‘additional needs’ undermines inclusive design
S'unya Dickman S'unya Dickman is a neurodivergent software developer and Senior Front End Developer at Aer Studios. In this article, S’unya outlines why he believes…
Mock up allows tenants to physically experience an example of new £25m apartments
Jennifer Dalrymple, Co-Production Lead with Capability Scotland engaging in co-production processes. Plans to create a flagship community for individuals with additional and complex needs has…
New report reveals children with SEND are not receiving the support they deserve
While some children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are receiving high-quality support, many others are not getting the help they should, according to…
Significant Government review into support for children and young people with SEND announced
The Department for Education has announced a major review into improving support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), building on the Prime…