DFG-funded bathroom adaptation helps elderly couple remain independent in confined space
An elderly couple has had their small bathroom in Eastleigh adapted, funded by a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), featuring Closomat’s Palma Vita wash & dry…
White paper assists in the choice and specification of appropriate toilet facilities for bariatric patients
Responding to the obesity crisis in England, accessible toilet specialist Closomat has produced a free guidance document to assist in the choice and specification of…
How toileting technology can help people living with MS
According to assistive toileting specialist Closomat, an increasing number of people with MS are turning to toileting technology to help them remain independent for as…
Hospice turns to toileting tech to deliver dignity and independence for its patients
Specialist palliative care at the Nightingale House Hospice in Wrexham, Wales, is being given an “extra dimension” with the employment of assistive technology. The Hospice’s…
Fall-preventing toilet offers users more security and greater independence
Featuring a range of integrated support systems, Closomat’s Palma Vita shower toilet aims to give users more stability and security. The support systems mean that…
New wash & dry shower toilet can be tailored to users’ changing needs, removing the need for a carer
Closomat has launched its new Palma Vita shower (wash & dry) toilet, which can be tailored to suit the user’s needs both initially and retrospectively,…
Rifton HTS offers improved hygiene for children
Clos-o-mat has developed a bespoke clip-on version of the innovative Rifton Hygiene & Toileting System (HTS), enabling the seat to be used with Clos-o-Mat’s Palma…
New and improved range helps bathroom independence
The new Vita range of wash & dry toilets is providing people with a stylish and improved solution to retaining independence and dignity in the…
Toilet lifter technology raises independence and changes life
Andrew Watkins, aged 42, from Portadown, cannot stand from a seated position without assistance, in his case as a result of muscle wasting disorder, Spinal…
Adapting to realise vision of optimum independence
"The training programmes undertaken by students in these flats prepare them for the transition to adulthood and for many, towards their goal of living in…