Video: UK beaches to become more accessible with new track system to help disabled people into the sea
A “revolutionary” device that enables people with disabilities or limited mobility to access the sea and other open water activities easily has been launched by The Pool Lift Company.
The product consists of a remote-operated ramp and a sliding chair that moves its passenger across uneven and tricky terrains into the water. It can be adapted according to the length or gradient of a beach, making it suitable for almost any environment including lakes.
SEATRAC provides its user with autonomous access to open water activities. To operate, the user adjusts the height of the SEATRAC chair before manoeuvring themselves into it. Using a waterproof remote, the user then moves along a ramp towards the water.
Harnessing the use of solar power, SEATRAC operates independently and can be installed without disturbing or altering the landscape.
SEATRAC is a tried and tested track system designed by the University of Patras and Tobea in Greece that has already made over 200 beaches in Greece, Italy, and Cyprus more accessible. As the sole distributor for SEATRAC in the UK and Ireland, the Pool Lift Company will demonstrate how the product works over the coming months.
Ignatios Fotiou, one of the creators of the product and Managing Director of Tobea, said: “Our key objective has always been to give people with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy a simple leisure activity, such as swimming, completely unassisted. SEATRAC opens the opportunity for everyone to enhance their wellbeing and fitness through water activities. Working with the Pool Lift Company will help us continue our mission to making the world more accessible.”
To learn more about SEATRAC, book a demonstration with the Pool Lift Company by contacting