Council enables residents to complete self-assessments to apply for free services and adaptations
Residents in South Lanarkshire can apply for an assessment, or complete a self-assessment, for free home adaptations, occupational therapy and equipment using the council’s website.
People with a long-term health condition, a disability or are finding certain tasks more difficult as they age can apply for a range of equipment available through South Lanarkshire Council to help residents, families, and carers.
Care and Repair in Lanarkshire offer a wide range of practical services and advice that allow elderly and disabled people in the community to live independently. At Care and Repair they aim to repair, improve or adapt your home to allow you to remain safe, secure and independent in your own home.
Services and adaptations are available to those who may find any of the following difficult: getting in and out of the bath; managing the steps into and inside the home; have difficulty in turning taps; find it awkward to stand up or sit down to use the toilet; unable to hear the doorbell, telephone or television or struggling with everyday activities because your sight is not as good as it was.
Equipment and adaptations can help to ensure everyday activities are carried out safely and independently or can help families and carers to safely assist with these activities.
Having the right equipment and adaptations might mean the difference between being able to stay in your own home or return home quickly after being in hospital, says the council.
Although much of the equipment is now easily obtainable from mainstream shops and suppliers, the council provides a range of further information available on its website.
Residents can also use the website to apply for a mobility or walking aid or a wheelchair assessment, or complete a self-assessment to get personalised advice now by using the free AskSara online tool, delivered in partnership with equipu and the Disabled Living Foundation.
A community response service that utilises assistive technology for residents has received a glowing report in its annual inspection by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).