The OT Show returns with CPD opportunities for healthcare professionals
This November, The Occupational Therapy Show (The OT Show) will return with a CPD conference programme and exhibition planned by occupational therapists (OTs) for occupational therapists.
The OT Show is the largest trade and only free education event in the UK dedicated to OTs. Taking place from 22 November, from 9am-5.30pm, until 23 November, from 9am-4.30pm, the event will be held at the NEC in Birmingham.
Alongside the free conference programme, The OT Show offers the opportunity for OTs to connect with leading manufacturers and distributors in the healthcare sector. This allows the exhibitors to learn from healthcare professionals’ experiences and maximise future clinical outcomes through new product design, as well as expose OTs to new products that can directly impact on the clinical caseload, whilst also consolidating relationships and knowledge.
Exhibitor-led CPD sessions are available within the showcase and innovation theatres, which are designed to further enhance the CPD experience.
As part of CPD quality assurance, the programme team ensures that each session includes elements that challenge practice, facilitate delegate critical reflection, and inform clinical reasoning or evidence base processes.
The programme’s clinical streams will include housing, mental health, moving and handling, paediatrics, and neurology. Other themes include contemporary practice and affinity.
The contemporary practice stream was developed for the first time in 2022 and, due to such “overwhelming feedback”, features again in 2023.
The stream looks to provide insight into positions that traditionally occupational therapy might not be considered as having a role. This could be from within statutory services, where, for example, there are sessions including the role within perinatal and ITU services or from other non-healthcare sectors.
Contemporary practice also covers not only the occupational therapy role in diverse settings, but also how OTs use and apply their skills to non-occupational therapy positions, where there are sessions from managers, strategy leads, directors, and entrepreneurs who are all registered OTs working without the job title.
The affinity sessions have been developed on the back of ongoing reflections about the profession’s role in delivering an inclusive environment where all are valued, included, and empowered to succeed.
Designed initially in 2021, the stream was built in conjunction with affinity groups such as LGBTQI+OTUK, BAMEOTUK, and ABLEOTUK as part of the AFFINOT collaborative. This has become a core part of The OT Show programme and continues in 2023 with sessions delivered by Chair of Council RCOT/BAOT Odeth Richardson and Dr Blaine Robin confirmed, with others to follow.
Other topics this year include sustainability, both the therapist’s role in environmental sustainability and professional sustainability, with sessions from Jacqueline Gordon and WHO respectively.