Accessible bathing specialist Abacus Specialist Bathroom Solutions will be highlighting its fleet of educational vehicles, which will allow attendees to experience a range of baths onboard while exploring various postural supports and therapeutic features, on stand F25 tomorrow at the OT Show (22-23 November 2023), taking place at the NEC in Birmingham.

Abacus regional assessment managers work closely with occupational therapists (OTs) and families to ensure appropriate bathroom equipment is provided. Abacus says this relationship is enhanced by an assessment-led approach and the availability of Abacus demonstration vehicles across the UK.

With a range of baths onboard the educational vehicles, potential users, relatives, and supporting healthcare professionals can physically test equipment in an enclosed, controlled environment. Alongside convenient client assessments, Abacus says the vehicles provide ideal training environments for OTs.

In association with the Abacus Academy, the educational programme run by the manufacturer, the vehicles regularly host CPD ‘lunch n learn’ workshops. Abacus says its abacus regional assessment Managers and associates from the OT Service offer insight into assisted bathing from a practical and theoretical point of view.

Jane Reid, OT, uses Abacus for her client bathing assessments. She said: “I have found assessments with an Abacus demonstration vehicle to be very successful.

“Clients are able to see and feel the bath equipment in a safe environment. Some of my ambulant clients and their family members have experienced sitting in the baths during the demo, which makes the assessment much more interactive for them.

“The vehicle provides shelter from the elements and also allows privacy during the assessment.”

As the baths are powered in the vehicle, there is no need for products to be transferred into a demonstration space, meaning sessions can be easily and efficiently held in car parks.

Abacus educational events can be hosted anywhere in the UK. They are free of charge and count towards CPD hours with certificates and reflective logs available.

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