New community equipment loan service provider to work with local organisations in Warwickshire
Medequip, a large UK provider of community equipment services, has been awarded the Warwickshire Community Equipment Loan Service contract. The new service, commissioned by Warwickshire…
New South East Midlands ICES contract promises to enable residents to remain independent
Medequip has announced its successful tender for the Bedfordshire, Luton, and Milton Keynes integrated community equipment service (BLMK CES) contract. The contract is set to…
78 percent of community equipment recommended by therapists reported appropriate for the recipient
Medequip has been working closely with Healthwatch North Yorkshire to complete a co-production project designed to secure accurate and in-depth feedback from people across the…
New community equipment provider in Essex will service previously loaned devices
Having taken over the integrated community equipment loan service (ICELS) for Essex County Council and its partners, Medequip is assuming responsibility for equipment already on…
New Sheffield City Council partnership will transform its TEC service
Centre for Ageing Better Images - Pictures Peter Kindersley Sheffield City Council has partnered with a community equipment service (CES) provider to help transform the…
Service provider partners with Healthwatch to learn more about its users’ views and expectations
Medequip is partnering with Healthwatch North Yorkshire to carry out detailed research into how the service is viewed, alongside determining people’s expectations. The objective of…
New community equipment service to provide minor adaptations and ceiling hoist installations
A new five-year community equipment service (CES) contract in Doncaster will now include minor adaptations and ceiling track hoist installations. The new service from NRS…
Independent improvement body awards community equipment service for its quality of service
An outsourced community equipment service (CES) provider, NRS Healthcare, has been awarded its second gold accreditation for its commitment to the quality of the service…
CES provider seeks engagement with service users to drive improvements
Centre for Ageing Better Images - Pictures Peter Kindersley Medequip, a community equipment service (CES) provider, has been working closely with Healthwatch Kirklees to engage…
Council seeks CES provider to supply assistive technologies throughout Berkshire
West Berkshire Council is seeking Community Equipment Service (CES) providers to supply assistive technologies including wheelchairs, rollators and stair lifts, throughout Berkshire. Just under 2,500…